A hacking incident and crypto scam case is hitting the headlines in the UK. Now it is a 19-year-old teen who has been booked for stealing unreleased music from a globally reputed music company. The suspect’s name and identity have not yet been revealed by the PIPSU (City of London Police Intellectual Property Crime Unit) and Manhattan District Attorney’s Office.
The 19-year-old allegedly crept into the Company’s website and cloud-based accounts and therefore, had to be detained by the authorities. The suspected hacker sold the unreleased songs of the artist against cryptocurrencies which is even a far greater offense.
The Manhattan DA’s office was very prompt in its action and quickly sprung into investigation just as the IFPI informed them about the Crypto scam case. IFPI is an organization representing the recording industry throughout the world. IFPI informed PIPSU that the alleged miscreant involved in this crypto scam and copyright infringements could be a resident of London. Soon PIPSU released an arrest warrant of the suspect in and around North London and the suspect was arrested from his house at Ipswich.
Nick Court, an inspector from PIPSU, lauded this achievement for the tireless efforts of the authorities in this crypto scam case. He added, “Today’s action marks a significant point in our investigation into the individuals responsible for stealing music and selling it off against digital currencies.” In an event, the inspector in his support to the media producers said that such pilfering acts are unjust and unworthy for any mercy. The amount of unfaltering efforts that the music producers make in this amazing art should be looked up with respect. This kind of crimes causes significant financial loses to these people who try so hard to produce such amazing music.
According to Cypher Trace, the blockchain security company, cryptocurrencies have been increasingly being used by criminals nowadays, for various illicit activities. He added that cryptocurrencies have a layer of secrecy that facilitates such crimes. However, digital currencies like Bitcoin are secretly entering the entertainment industry thereby making it more vulnerable to such crypto crimes.